




31 条评论:

匿名 说...


匿名 说...

sarawak ppl dotn know what is the important of change and democratic

mowindchoo 说...


匿名 说...

not all sarawak ppl donno, only those who less educated, leave in the jungle, long house..

匿名 说...


匿名 说...

johorean also

匿名 说...

We shall not insult the uneducated, people.

Anyway, the opposition doesn't focus much on east m'sia.

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JeeN's blog 说...

who know perak result?

why election result still canot come out?

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匿名 说...

请不要用如此不文明的言论来批评我们。都是东西马的不平衡发展才导自如此现象发生。what leave in the jungle and long house. country every year get how many tax from them???

匿名 说...

想说各位说人家uneducated, live in the jungle, long house etc我才觉得你们才是没受教育的,没有常识的. 两边的政治情况不一样,不能相提并论,各地人民有他们的权利和兴趣投自己所支持的候选人,在你们说别人uneducated的同时,请问你到过Sarawak和Sabah了吗? 分分钟他们的厕所都大过你家,你们只是都活在自己的范围空间罢了~最后小弟目前住KL, 是你们所谓uneducated的Sarawak人 ^^

匿名 说...

me swk in ampang,

the reason is... swk doesnt has AMNO


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匿名 说...

Sarawak parties should swing to opposition with 29 parlimentary seats!

匿名 说...

fuck lar

opp win nx time, we swk wud take back all our oils $$, ok boh?

匿名 说...

tats the power of pek mo. the bumi are still blind by the corrupted government. chinese are just the victim. u guys better understood how many chinese population in sarawak. we are highly educated sarawakian but lack of politic power. if not sarawak would be the most advance state in malaysia. better study properly about sarawak before you can give these comment. dun talk like less educated people. use brain not your little head

匿名 说...


匿名 说...

If you guys dun understand Sarawak situation, then dun talk so much. The white hair is very strong here and he can do anything with his money. A lot of poor ppl here depends so much with the government subsidies. That's why they still need to give full support.

匿名 说...

what do you expect, oppo only goes for mainly chinese areas, and even fight among each others for chinese area seats, with some low quality (disappointing) candidates somemore. those malay areas are in the strong hand of pbb, and pkr is not doing well either, thanks to the poor leadership here... don't blame it on the voters, when it is no alternative, it is wiser to go with the safer one.

匿名 说...

I agree with the person above..East M'sia politic is different to West M'sia..
So, i urge all the guys dun critic East M'sia politic if you dun know..
Im from KL and had a lot of Sabah and Sarawak friends..They are very nice ppl..Been to both states before..Their toilet is really bigger than our house

匿名 说...

swk changes color when i go back, hehe

look n see, now im in keadilan, ampang

匿名 说...

the ppl who talk abt sarawak bad things really stupid.... u ppl all never go there n do ur own decision n say d ppl the less education n live in the jungle... u all wrong... u all really less educated... n very stupid....u ppl never live there n go there then do such rubbish commend.... really really stupid... now the best things is coming to Kuching...

匿名 说...

Actually i tot Sarawak's State Election is the one that provoke every Malaysian to wake up and vote the opposition, rite? Ok.. plus some others like Lingam case, Altantuya, etc.

匿名 说...

swk swk swk.... my beloved homeland

history will alwasy remembr u safe bn.... on 8/3/08

匿名 说...

yup ...the history will remember Sarawak safe BN on 8th March, but that is their choice, hopefully the opposition will continue their power and finally take over Sarawak...

then we can finally have our country back from the Evil BN!

匿名 说...

It is very hard to criticize an dchange the situation in Sarawak even Sabah. Gangsterism, money politics is outcasted every corner there...luckily DAP retain Kuching parliament

匿名 说...

NOT all johorean ... Atleast DAP win Bakri Parliment, and this wasn't happen before.

匿名 说...

西马给我最大的感觉是,怎么黑黑的人那么多?因为我们那里几乎没有印度人,马来人也少,iban dayak皮肤不那么黑